by Jo Walters | 21 April 2021 | Comms Club webinar
What if there was a simple, quick, and (whisper it) fun way of creating comms plans that you could write on a white board or one side of A4, that would actually help your comms hit the mark?In this session, we talk briefly about what a good comms plan needs to include. But more importantly, we work together through two examples, and actually create them during the session, using a super simple method.
by Jo Walters | 24 February 2021 | Comms Club webinar
How does your #SUComms team relate to your Board of Trustees? Often, comms & campaigns are viewed through the prism of risk and exposure. Can we improve on that? This session looks at how a Board can better understand your comms team’s goals and purpose, how comms can feed into organisational strategy and long-term planning, how to explain comms to your Board, and how to explain Board to your members.
by Jo Walters | 12 November 2020 | Blog
It’s been a tough year and we wanted to make sure students’ union comms people know their work is valued so we sent out personalised certificates to confirm that they’ve been amazing.
by Jo Walters | 31 March 2020 | Uncategorized
We want to help bring student groups from around the UK together while their members are spread around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Inspired by the amazing videos created by Jacques Salmon on Instagram we want to showcase the amazing variety of things student groups do and show that we’re part of a nationwide community.
by Jo Walters | 26 November 2019 | Blog
It may come as no surprise that I think students’ unions should work with people that ‘get’ them (*ahem* like me) but I thought I’d explain more about why I think it’s so useful and shout out some other people you should work with. ^ Not...