We want to help bring student groups from around the UK together while their members are spread around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Inspired by the amazing videos created by Jacques Salmon on Instagram we want to showcase the amazing variety of things student groups do and show that we’re part of a nationwide community. 

How to get involved

Film a video clip and upload it via our simple form. We’ll then edit them together so it looks like we’re passing items to each other from the left to the right of the screen each time.


Film yourself interacting with something relevant to what your group does, e.g. a hockey stick and ball if you’re in the hockey club or a clarinet if you’re in the orchestra.

1. You’ll need to get someone to throw it to you (or if you’re home by yourself you could throw it up and catch it) so it comes in from the left hand side of the shot (your right if you’re facing the camera).

2. Do something with the object, e.g. head the ball, play the instrument, paint on a canvas.

3. Throw the item so it leaves the right hand side of the shot (your left if you’re facing the camera.

OBVIOUSLY be careful you don’t break the object, damage your surroundings or hurt yourself but feel free to be creative. Could you wear your team uniform? Do you have other props?

Video guidelines

Your video should:

  • Be shot in landscape (with your phone sideways)
  • Not feature anything dodgy or illegal. We reserve the right to exclude or edit any submissions we receive